Jo Rida Well, it sure was a great year for AWWWWDICULOUS! A-Boy Especially for AWWWWDICULOUS. Lurdawg Especially Jo Rida …not for a lot of other things. (mumbling) So what's your guys's, uh, New Year's resolutions? A-Boy Lurdawg? Lurdawg Boz-Dat? The Ghost of Boz-Dat Past Well, I like the autotune. But we don't want to go overboard. A-Boy, Lurdawg, Jo Rida (Laughter and jovial speak)
Jo Rida Well, my New Year's resolution is to be more awesome! A-Boy My New Year's resolution is to be more ridiculous! Lurdawg Mine is to be more awesome than Jonah. A-Boy Aw. Jo Rida Uggh, you were supposed to say AWWWWDICULOUS. A-Boy C'mon. Lurdawg Whoops. It's not happening. A-Boy And with that... Jo Rida …We say All Adoo (Adieu). Jo Rida Oo.