A golden screen is written down They said : “the journey is like an helter skelter There are fields of open arms A thousand sunrises for a one and only night” A golden screen is written down Will there be light, did they harvest a guide ? Naked water might fall from an austere womb Consider handling nausea as an Attempt to take a look at the cosmic blend The black hole is now turning high above Down the victory lies of the modern scorn A scary fleet of realistic views Turns on daylight clues The pulse is strength Don't feel the strange pulse The pulse is no one but now It's here The wave is the tool Of misunderstanding Continuous and yet discrete As ignorance Accomplished void Ruthless emptiness A burden's locked In a wooden static clock But still waving on and on... They removed all the planets, all the matter
They said “don't you think your are part of it now ?” They scattered the axes and the pavement They said “your an ‘I' and you shall build the right ‘why ?' ” They shattered the fields of open arms They said “ there're no rules, but everlasting comas” They hid a golden screen to be found out, but we're blind They claimed “ there's no tool, you're running out of time” Climbing up the ladder up-side-down Will prevent you from seeing the sky, and beyond, beyond... I am dropping out ! Will they turn on? Shall we tune in ? I am dropping out ! I am dropping out ! I'm a wheel of thoughts and now ? what am I ? Don't tell me once more there are shelters to unravel I feel the pulse is waving on and on, in me There's a pattern of absolute awakening in emptiness