When I was a child I'd catch a fever and have the worst nightmares I'd sit there half awake and half asleep and express all my fears I terrified my parents once by being in a zombies trance And shouting about things that were dancing inside the shadows by the plants And the boom box that wouldn't turn off and the sound outside the house I thought they were dropping bombs as my fever approached a hundred and four now But as you get older you get tougher and your dreams start to shift But it's funny as you get tougher you start to get weaker on the little bits of sh** You'll wake up after a little flash and your heart'll start to race And it seems like a memory, the same time a premonition you can't escape Maybe it's fate and you were calling it before it ever friggin' happens And if that's the truth the I am scared as hell because I don't like that action I don't like to be so held captive by my brain and know the truth I'd like to have it all just happen, the fall of the dominoes too But I'm about to fly out to Texas to play some shows and sh** Stand on stage do some rappin' and talk my way into free drinks And I'm sure it'll all be fine - just pa** as smoothly as the rest of it But if it happens the way it happened in the dream I just fall to bits In the dream it was just a simple flash and it scared me for some reason And I woke up in the morning, my head sweatin', heavy breathing I rented a hotel room inside the dream, inside the trip
But it wasn't a room, more like a mansion with a million rooms I guess And I walk from room to room and none of 'em ever seem to connect The hallways kinda shifted and on the floor I just seemed to slip And I woke up the next day just wondering why this made sense And why this bothered me so bad for the next twenty four hours kid It's funny how a little bit will affect you for so long It's like it's a premonition, it's like it's a fact that you knew all along But all of a sudden you may have something that just shifts and it changes A dream that's beautiful and it makes life just seem so outrageous And at the same time you get this stupid little nightmare crap And it affects you for weeks on end and you can't make sense of that And sometimes a dream seems so inexplainably perfect That when you wake up you realise that reality's worthless And it hurts, you wanna just roll back and go to sleep And pick up exactly where you left off and never skip a beat But it never seems to work this way, the dreams have us by the balls And we just try to make the sense of it all and connect the f**ing dots So as you explore this f**ing week that I am about to embark on Inside these stupid freestyles and dreams I talk about in songs I hope you get a bit of me and I hope I get a bit of it too And we can make sense and have us a cup of coffee and talk the truth