Who's that I see not doin' any good? Why it's a little-read Bible book! Hey there, little-read Bible book, you sure have been forsook You're never read, so big bad wolves can roam. Literally! Little-read Bible book, I don't think many people look So we're walkin' in and making ourselves at home Owwr! What big lies we have! We come as spies disguised as lambs But if they'd read just an open page I think they all could spot the wolves far away What truth Scripture has! It's sure to warn if someone's bad So before they understand God's grace I think I ought to lock you up in a safe I'm gonna keep my sheep suit on
And I'll a**ure them nothing's wrong And you can get dusty and they all can leave you alone Owwr! Little-read Bible book, I'd like to quote you, yes I would But first I'll change me a thing or two on my own Owwr! What if these parts I add A word or two, nothing big Little-read Bible book - even bad news can seem good I'll try a little cyanide, just enough to slide on by Maybe they'll swallow things I say Before they get to that odd taste Little-read Bible book, I'm sure their goose is cooked They never read in the big black book at all Owwr! That's too bad - Baaad