So long as you and your family have more than enough to eat So long as you're nice and comfy on your brand new 3 piece suit So long as everybody's alright in "Coronation Street" So long as the television's not showing another repeat Don't care about the Third World struggling to survive Cos you've got lots of money, new coat for the wife Don't care about the Third World struggling to survive Cos you've got lots of money, new coat for the wife So long as there's plenty tits, page three of "The Sun" So long as you and your wife are having lots and lots of fun So long as you've got your holiday each and every year So long as you've got your big fat gut filled with f**ing beer Don't care about the Third World struggling to survive Cos you've got lots of money, new coat for the wife
Don't care about the Third World struggling to survive Cos you've got lots of money, new coat for the wife You don't really care what's happening elsewhere in the world You never stop to think of children starving and dying because they can't afford food nor medicine Do you realise that there's people that haven't seen such luxuries as cars, television and video So just stop thinking of your f**in' self for a change And give a thought for the people a lot less fortunate than yourselves And stop moaning about pretty little things like "Does my hair look alright?", "Wonder if I can drink more beer than Bill?", "Can't wait to get my new car" As long as there's people like you in the world there will always be people starving You really make me sick, you really make me sick, f**ing sick