Let the games begin, there is money at stake Call the lawyers in, there is money... Let the kids get shovelled back and forth on holidays and and weekends, there is... Hang the dirty laundry out for everyone to see, there... Let the caws come out, ... Burn the buildings down, ... Let the businessmen in Tokyo commit the highest rate of suicide in the world, ... Let Big Tobacco plunge the Third World into nicotene addictions, ... Let the Rag-mag advertise slim models promoting bolemia and anorexia in young girls, ...
Let the TV hostlers pick the pockets of the naive and the poor in the name of Jesus, ... Let Hollywood pay half a million dollars to a star when half the world is starving, oh and them baseball players, ... Let the Americans up their anti-nuclear warfare to outdo their imaginary compeditors, ... Let some guy come along and say "Hey this song's a hit let's give it to an all-girl rap band in Europe and make a k**ing," ... Hey, hey Let the games begin.