In an epoch when got thought only in greys The sun burned alone with a pale frozen haze The footfall of giants would tremble the dust And fissures would riddle the crust Dissolving the hearts of the innocent ones A downward depression, these dirges unsung Scowling down from the shoulders of titans They ruthlessly rode in defiance Carry me now on your winds of disease Pestilence whispers like leaves in the breeze Cradle me in your insipid embrace
Poised in a portrait of desolate grace For miles above the mountains of scorn Aloft on the wings of this monster we soar To where the horizon expels its last breath Where the evening sun and ocean have met Alone Swelling the surface that tremors with waves Weeping unfettered 'neath night shrouded graves From the unsleeping eyes of his vehement throne The heartbeat of Neptune, forever alone