Spent a lot of yesterdays Worrying my life away Got in a little to deep Made a couple promises I couldn't keep Ya I got my regrets Some days I'd like to forget But you make your breaks And laugh at your mistakes [Chorus] Looking back it couldn't be clearer There's no future in the rare view mirror I could wish my life away But I'd rather live right now today Tell me something you can't borrow I'm sticking my claim on tomorrow I like who I am and where I'm at
[repeat once on third time] And I'm never looking back I got dreams that I'm gonna chase And I might fall flat on my face But isn't that what life's about You either hit a home turn Or you strike out ya When I turn out the lights I don't lay awake at night Cuz I'm okay and tomorrow's a new day Ya [Repeat Chorus x1] [Bridge] I'm not perfect but I'm Trying to get it right Taken one day at a time Every minute of my life [Repeat Chorus x1]