KOLLOHOM Kollohom bey'oolo keda fel awel wel kalam el 7elw beyet7awwel Elbara'a wel 7anan welly yama et'al zaman kol dah dalwa't ban kol mal ayam tetawil El kalam sahl we kiteer ba** eih beyegra ba3do fil hawa 'awam yiteer yeb'a koloh zay ba3do nas sa7ee7 malhash aman Kolo fel awel we3ood wama yewsal lily 3ayzo 'aswito malhash 7edood sa3b ay 3etab yehezzo nas, sa7ee7 malhash, aman ALL OF THEM All of them say that in the beginning
and all the words get changed Innocence and kindness and what was much said in the past Everything is clear now as the days grow longer Words are easy and many but what happens after them? They quickly fly in the air and all the words become the same. It's true, people are not to be trusted Everything is promising at first and after he gets his way there is no limit to his cruelty no reproach can shake him It's true, people are not to be trusted