ÉPHAPSAMÉNÉE: Xeilos has conceived the god of wrath, Greedy for the virtuous Sumphos. AKRÉMOSUMÈNE: Incest has bred soil... ATIMÉ: Denied archéia... MANONTÈS & TEIROMÉKRÉOS: Fall of our blood... ÉPHAPSAMÉNÉE: Behind the proarchéia's honesty, A sad feeling of betrayal. From the Nether World, I've set you free... Abaskantos! GOD OF THE PROARCHÉIA: Vice! Distressed! Faith! Repressed! Fate! Is Done! Wide! Awake! ÉPHAPSAMÉNÉE: Thy purpose is due, Opponent of Xeilos. Fate is done! Unfairness declines! Comprehend the truth! GOD OF THE PROARCHÉIA:
Secession, Dissension, Battlefields... Sumphokéras... Inner war... ÉPHAPSAMÉNÉE: Bloodshed! The curse is at its height. Insane believers, Disfavour veils your faith! Weathering, Save you from yourselves! None shall either leads my will. My shame still grows... GOD OF THE PROARCHÉIA: Akrémosumène, Deliver him. Misfortuned, Come again to us now... Resurrection... Timeless life... Rebirth... Clairvoyant... Timeless... Renewal... ÉPHAPSAMÉNÉE: Decay, Scorn for life! Pointless renewal, Wandering of sorrow