11-18-13 The next day she and the other initiates must practice going through fear landscapes. So they can see the experience they will go through the other instructor's fears. She a**igns her fears to the initiates. Tris gets kidnapping. She watches as everyone successfully accomplishes the fear landscape. But when it is her turn she is reminded of when Al, Peter, and Drew tried to kidnap her. She starts to cry and freak out so much that they have to end the simulation. Four starts to yell at her so she slaps him and runs off. She goes outside and decides to go and visit Caleb in Erudite headquarters and give him the message her mom told her. When she gets there she notices that he is wearing gla**es and asks why since he has perfect vision. When she is about to live she is stopped by guards and sent to Jeanine Mathews' office, Erudite leader. 11-19-13 Jeanine asks her many questions and if she agrees with the stuff that the erudite say about the abnegation. Tris wants to strike her for making up those stories but decides to lie and says yes. Jeanine is pleased and sends Tris back so that the dauntless will deal with her for having left her faction to visit her brother. Eric sees her and starts yelling at her when Four shows up. He tells her she tried to kiss him then ran off when he said no. Eric laughs at Tris and says that she is too young for Four.
11-20-13 It is now the day of the final test in which they will find out their final rank and who will end up faction less.when its Tris' turn she goes through her fear landscape by the time she reaches the end she only faced six fears. Max, the dauntless leader, congratulates her and injects her with a syringe at first Tris was cautious until he told her what it was for, tracking them down. Then she goes with Four to his room and they just talk until the ranks are posted. Tris is ranked first and Peter second. Drew and Molly end up factionless for being ranked last. While Will and Cristina also become dauntless members.