We are the entourage of sun, Tempest of primeval fire Chosen by Gods, obsidian and blood! Being carried away At the service of the Rain's giver Infallible light... Cover us in the crusade of our empire! Aztec War Metal! Impetuous sacrament of insurrection Aztec War Metal! Code solemn of entails and stone Aztec War Metal! Impetuous sacrament of courage Aztec War Metal! Great sacrifice from the elite of blood! Emanates our triumph with radiant fire of noon We're violence that burst with thy bloody corpse
Stairways of the Temple: Sanctuary that swallows Strict attack's Vesania! Sons originating in war Volcano and mountain range that intone and shakes their weapons For ascending to thy abode Our vital arrival: Golden plumage of glory! Aztec War Metal! Impetuous sacrament of insurrection. Aztec War Metal! Code solemn of entails and stone Aztec War Metal! Impetuous sacrament of courage Aztec War Metal! Aztec War Metal!