I can't breathe I can't sleep I'm losing everything I don't know where to begin I just tired of having nightmares with my eyes open he walks the bridge alone knowing that he can't hold his own you can set your sights but it will ayways get inside I disconnect from you wage war through the night and you're back in a breath I'm losing this fight and it's life or d**h my hidden battle, I bury it below the surface I disconnect from you I can't breathe I can't sleep I'm losing everything I can feel it under my skin trying to blind me with an illusion
I vanish from your eyes without a trace I'm gone you're waiting on a sign that's never gonna come past and present hope and uncertainty a raging fire burning inside of me with my eyes open I disconnect from you wage war through the night and you're back in a breath I'm losing this fight and it's life or d**h like a wave crashing like a window breaking like a door kicked in I could never keep you out when my war alone is done watching my life slip away so fast it's hard to heal in the present when I'm infected by my past.